How to spot the leaders of tomorrow

Leadership is a vital component of corporate success. With the right leader at the helm, the potential of an organisation is limitless. It goes without saying that identifying the leaders of tomorrow puts organisations in a position of strategic advantage. Spotting individuals with the potential to lead ensures the long-term success of a business. But how do we spot the leaders of tomorrow?

Evaluate employee investment in the company

Seek to identify employees within your organisation that are willing to go above and beyond in the work they do. These are the people who are truly passionate about what they do and are committed to delivering results. Behaviours such as proactively contributing good ideas and strategies are telltale signs that you have found a potential leader of tomorrow.

Search for those with EQ

Individuals with high levels of emotional intelligence are the future leaders of tomorrow. They express their feelings clearly and directly, always take a positive outlook, have high degrees of self-awareness and are intrinsically motivated to do the right thing.

Emotionally intelligent people are better leaders because they are able to empathise and communicate with people to a degree that makes them incredibly effective at what they do.

Realise who’s resilient

“Many of life’s failures, are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up” – Thomas Edison.

The ability to accept failure and continue on the same path is a sign that an individual is resilient. Be on the search for people who adopt a mindset that embraces and actively looks for alternative ways to solve problems, they are the leaders of tomorrow.

In summary

If and when you identify these people in your organisation it’s important to recognise their talent. Nurture their raw flair for leadership. By doing this you are investing heavily in the development of both of them as individuals as well as your organisation.


Want some more pointers on how to spot the leaders of tomorrow? Feel free to reach out and drop me a message!